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By Jane H. Jones, RPh, PCCA Clinical Compounding Pharmacist

This article was updated September 22, 2020

What is “maskne”? It is a new term describing the acne caused by wearing masks. It is also simply referred to as “mask acne.” The CDC is recommending everyone to wear masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19, especially when out in public, and says that “your cloth face covering may protect them. Their cloth face covering may protect you.”1 This current health crisis and the need to cover our faces has led us to this new medical condition, particularly for health care and front-line workers who work long hours and wear one, two or even three masks as protective barriers daily. Dermatologists describe maskne as “acne mechanica,” the type of acne caused by repetitive physical trauma to the skin, usually by rubbing or scratching. Having to wear a mask for protection has created the perfect storm of oil, sweat, heat, bacteria and friction now called maskne.

Preventing Maskne

Can I prevent maskne? There are many ways to try to avoid getting mask acne. It is important to wash your face before and after wearing a mask with a gentle cleanser. You should moisturize your skin after cleansing to prevent dryness and, if possible, avoid heavy cosmetic use or wearing makeup under a mask. There are many options for face masks available out there. A 100% cotton one would be best if choosing a cloth type and washing daily after each use. It is also important to dispose of and not reuse disposable masks. But with rising summer temperatures, and especially for those who must wear masks for work, it may be difficult to prevent getting maskne.

There are already several cosmetic websites offering products to treat maskne online. There are also standard single-therapy agents to treat acne commercially, but we as compounders have so many more options to help our patients. PCCA also has many formulas that allow PCCA members with Clinical Services access to choose between bases and combine different active ingredients to potentially fit all patient needs.

Depending on patient-specific needs, a facial cleanser formulation may be recommended:

  • PCCA Formula #9564 – salicylic acid, niacinamide and NataPres ® cleansing pads
  • PCCA Formula #10096 – salicylic acid, mandelic acid and NataPres facial foam cleanser
  • PCCA Formula #7489 – salicylic acid and glycolic acid facial foam cleanser

Potential Compounded Options for Maskne

There are many options when choosing a base to compound with. Our PCCA PracaSil®-Plus gel has properties that nourish the skin, and when used as a base, it may promote faster relief and recovery. This base also provides moisture and protects the skin’s barrier. It is rich in skin-friendly fatty acids and lipids. PracaSil-Plus is commonly selected as a delivery vehicle in compounded medications for scar therapy but may also be prescribed in formulations for patients with other skin conditions, including acne.

For patients who have minor skin irritation, itching, redness and mild blemishes, physicians often recommend these formulas :

  • PCCA Formula #11966 – naltrexone and pramoxine topical gel in PracaSil-Plus
  • PCCA Formula #12546 – ketotifen and naltrexone topical gel in PracaSil-Plus
  • PCCA Formula #12683 – naltrexone, aloe vera and beta glucan topical gel in PracaSil-Plus

Our anhydrous topical gel base WO6 ® can be compounded with a 180 beyond-use date (BUD) by default, just like our PracaSil-Plus formulas, and is another consideration. PCCA’s Clarifying ™ base is a cream emulsion that compounders can recommend for patients with all forms of problem skin, including acne. It is noncomedogenic and has moisturizing properties along with natural ingredients that may improve the appearance of red and blotchy skin.

For patients with severe cases, physicians may recommend these formulas :

  • PCCA Formula #10012 – niacinamide and potassium azelaoyl diglycinate topical cream
  • PCCA Formula #13313 – niacinamide, tretinoin and hyaluronic acid topical gel in WO6
  • PCCA Formula #13336 – clindamycin, niacinamide and tretinoin topical gel in WO6
  • PCCA Formula #10901 – clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide topical gel in PracaSil-Plus
  • PCCA Formula #11635 – niacinamide, biotin and potassium azelaoyl diglycinate topical cream in Clarifying
  • PCCA Formula #11708 – tretinoin and sodium hyaluronate topical cream in Clarifying

We are all in it together during this pandemic. Stress and diets high in sugar and processed foods may exacerbate all forms of acne. Reducing stress, getting plenty of sleep, exercising and staying hydrated are simple tasks, yet sometimes they’re very difficult to do on a daily basis. With compounded options, we may be able to provide relief and help patients address the breakouts and flares caused by maskne.

How effective are different types of face mask? Check out our recent blog post “ Hand-Washing, Nasal Sprays and Masks — What Research Is Saying .”

Jane H. Jones, RPh, joined PCCA’s Clinical Services department in January of 2005. She is a 1996 graduate of the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. Prior to PCCA, she worked in management with several retail pharmacies. Her professional experience includes working with organ transplant patients, pediatrics and neonatal intensive care infants at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas. Her compounding interests are in pediatrics, veterinary and topical delivery systems. She always looks forward to meeting and helping her fellow pharmacists solve patient challenges via compounding.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Use of cloth face coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

These statements are provided for educational purposes only. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not to be interpreted as a promise, guarantee or claim of therapeutic efficacy or safety. The information contained herein is not intended to replace or substitute for conventional medical care, or encourage its abandonment.

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