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This Profile in Personalized Medicine highlights Colton Winder, PharmD, RPh, of Utah Family Pharmacy in Hurricane, Utah, owned by Cliff Holt, RPh. They have been proud PCCA members since 2008.

How did you start compounding, and what led you to PCCA?

I was hired as a pharmacist right out of pharmacy school to work in the sterile compounding lab at Utah Family Pharmacy, which is owned by Cliff Holt. He was already a PCCA member at the time. I loved it, though, and loved being able to use more of my chemistry knowledge from school. With time, I began to supervise the nonsterile operations as well, and I worked up to the position of being our hybrid pharmacy organization's only compounding pharmacist. I was fortunate to learn so much from such a knowledgeable, patient mentor as Cliff.

What was one of your toughest patient problems, and how did you solve it?

As the only community pharmacy in southern Utah that provides sterile compounding services, we're often called on to prepare medications for unique cases. This has required creativity in formulations, while also making sure we stay within the guidelines of the various USP chapters and published scientific data. Some of the most difficult cases we've experienced have been patients with severe, vision-threatening eye infections. We've been able to work with local ophthalmologists to prepare anti-infective ocular injections as well as topical medications for follow-up treatment. It's satisfying for me to know that we've made a difference in the vision and lives of patients in our community.

What has been your most satisfying patient experience? What was their health challenge, and how did you assist them?

This is a tough question. Over the course of my short career, I've had so many opportunities to help patients with unique challenges. It's hard to pinpoint one experience, but one of my favorite patient populations to help are pediatric patients. We've had pediatric patients with organ transplants, eye problems, skin conditions, ear infections, almost any condition imaginable. I've been able to use my knowledge and resources to help these patients. Knowing that I've made a difference in not only the health care of a child, but in their quality of life when their family felt like they might not have any other options, is one of the greatest experiences in my career.

What is your favorite PCCA base?

I have loved working with Ellage®. That has been a game-changer for us. It's great to have a vaginal base that is anhydrous, but also has great mucosal adhesion. The patients we've used it for so far have loved it.

What was the moment you realized that joining PCCA was going to make a difference for your pharmacy?

I came into a pharmacy that was already a member of PCCA. I have seen how much PCCA has helped us succeed in caring for our patients, though. Through educational conferences, Clinical Services, technical support, the considerate attention of sales representatives, and the quality of products and bases, our membership in PCCA has made a tremendous difference in the success of our compounding lab, and our pharmacy in general.

What is your favorite PCCA educational event?

I always enjoy International Seminar. I'm quiet by nature and don't mingle as much as I'd like to, but I do enjoy rubbing shoulders with other incredibly wise and skilled pharmacists and technicians, hearing what others are working on and developing, and bringing home concepts from presentations that I can use to better help and serve my community.

What advice do you have for new compounders?

Use the knowledge and experiences of other compounders, and establish close relationships with the physicians. And pharmacists, never underestimate the value of having strong technicians who care as much about taking care of patients as you do.

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