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This Profile in Personalized Medicine highlights Steve Irsfeld, RPh, of Irsfeld Pharmacy in Dickinson, North Dakota. Irsfeld Pharmacy has been a PCCA member since 1998.

When was the last time a patient thanked you?

Yesterday! I was having a conversation with a patient about immune support. Like many thyroid patients, her levels were “normal,” but she didn't feel normal. We talked about low-dose naltrexone (LDN) and its potential to help with the fatigue and other issues. She thanked me and was hopeful she would feel better soon.

How did you get into pharmacy compounding?

I am a second-generation pharmacist with three uncles, a cousin and a daughter all in the profession. My dad owned his own pharmacy and hired me in 1996. When we attended the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) convention in 1997, we committed to implementing two ideas: 1) Start flavoring medications; and 2) Join PCCA and start compounding. Twenty-three years later, compounding is a large part of our practice.

What is one thing you would tell those new to pharmacy compounding?

Do not be afraid when meeting with providers. It takes some time to develop your knowledge base, but in most instances, you are the expert.

What is your most satisfying patient experience? 

In our work with a local hospice care group, we had a patient in the end stages of his life with venous insufficiency. As blood flow decreased to the extremities, tissue became necrotic, causing the patient pain in his fingers and hands as they contracted. Working with a physician, we prepared a ketamine/bupivacaine compound in poloxamer gel that the hospice team would apply. We kept him comfortable, and he spent his last few days enjoying watching the birds on his feeder.

What was your biggest “AHA” moment as a PCCA Member?

I think the relationships I have gained from going to conferences and networking. These relationships are priceless.

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