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by Ryan Avery, PCCA International Seminar 2022 Keynote Speaker

There are t-shirts and bumper stickers and motivational speakers who will tell us to always move forward, don’t look back and never quit. And that is horrible advice for anyone in a leadership position or any of us who have the opportunity to influence others.

We are not sharks (sharks can’t swim backwards; if made to go backwards, they will die). We are allowed to move backwards and quit things. There is toxic ambition out there and some people believe that is okay. They say things like, “We will accomplish our goals…no matter what!” I am all about accomplishing goals — what scares me is the “no matter what” part!

I have found quitting things has actually helped me accomplish more in my life. The most successful people I know and interview talk about the importance of quitting and knowing when to do so. I know when to quit, how to quit and I have learned why quitting is such an important part of leadership, growth and ambition. Over the last few months, there have been four things I have quit that I believe all of us should do in order to be more successful at accomplishing our goals.

Quit One Idea

What is one idea that is keeping me from moving forward?

Quit One Action

What is one action that is taking me away from my big dreams?

Quit One Thought

What is one thought I want to get rid of that is not doing me or anyone else any good?

Quit One Person

Who is one person I no longer need in my life?

Those of us who quit certain things can accomplish crazy and amazing things. I have achieved more than most because I quit more than most. And, in this world, let’s all work on not being stubborn and work on being smart.

Sometimes, it is smart to quit! Some people see moving backwards as a negative thing. However, moving backwards gives us different perspectives and increases our ability to relate to others.

So the question isn’t really: “Am I okay taking one step back to move two steps forward?” The question is: “Am I okay taking 45 steps back to take 700 steps forward?”

Learn more from Keynote Speaker Ryan Avery at this year’s PCCA International Seminar 2022, where he will share relatable, relevant and memorable strategies that we all can use to keep Going From A to THE® in our industry! Check out our other keynote speakers and register today at .

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